Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My Sempervivum Arachnoideum 'Red Cobweb'

I found a new love this year. Succulents. I love the colors and the textures of them. And most don't have to care of them much. These plants actually like to be neglected. It's prefect for someone like me who's a beginner or a newbie when it comes to gardening and plants. I've been collecting these succulents like crazy.

Succulent plants are water retaining plants. This means they store their water in their leaves, stems, and roots. Because of this they can be without water for long period of time.

I brought this Sempervivum at a local nursery. This is my first cobweb succulent. It cost me $3.99 and that small pot was filled with them. Sempervivum is a Hens and chicks. Hens and chicks is a common name for group of small succulents belonging to the flowering plant. These plants grow close to the ground and the form around each other in a rosette and propagate by offsets. The Hen of course means the main plant and the chicks means the babies. The baby chicks sprouts they come out close to the mother plant.

When I brought them home, I did not have them repotted until months later.  It got overly crowed and I started to notice some of the rosettes were turning yellow.  That's when I knew I had to split them up.  After I repotted them, a week or two later, I've noticed the shape of the rosettes started to change.  Some of them started pushing upward in the center of the plant.  Flower stalks were pushing out.  That's when I knew my plants might be blooming soon.

As you can see here my blooms are pink. 

Isn't it pretty? I've been taken pictures of them every few days. Every day I see more and more flowers bloom. How lovely!

One downside in having these Sempevivum bloom is that they will die. Hens and Chicks are monocarpic plants. So once they flower, seed, they will than die. How sad :( I've read that overcrowding or stress can cause these plants to bloom. I guess that's explains why all of mine started blooming. It’s my fault for leaving them in such a small pot for so long. Oh least I can enjoy the pretty flowers. And I still have my chicks!!

Any of your Sempevium blooming this summer?

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